Guess who is the Plume for Women Featured Writer in April?
If you guessed Karin Zirk, then you are correct! If you are not familiar, with Plume: a writer’s companion, then you are missing out. They provide support and encouragement for writers with a focus on womyn. Each month subscribers receive a gift box with self-care, encouragement, and inspiration for writers. Read more…
Gathering related books
A number of books have been written about the Rainbow Gathering either directly or indirectly. The most recent (yes even newer than my book, Falling From The Moon) is The Third Rainbow Girl: The Long Life of a Double Murder in Appalachia. Not sure I’m fond of the title because Read more…
Garrick Beck on counterculture novels
Falling From the Moon is the most authentic counterculture novel since Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang and Ernest Callenbach’s Ecotopia. Her story of two women with different quests colliding at a counterculture gathering explores today’s alternative values in a setting that has never before been written about in such Read more…
Chris Boyd Sums Up Falling From The Moon
A search for a lost parent; a journey through a world that is close to many of us but seen by few; a bonding of women through the difficult circumstances of life. All of it moving along to the beat of a thousand drums offered up into the night sky. Read more…
Dennis Patrick Slattery on the Heroine’s Journey
Karin Zirk’s new first novel, Falling From the Moon, kept me engaged from first to last page. She poetically explores two characters, Lauren and Sapphire, when they both attend a Gathering in Plumas National Forest in California, a mini-Woodstock, for two weeks. There both wrestle with their own dark night Read more…
Judy Reeves Fell in Love with Falling From The Moon
I fell in love with FALLING FROM THE MOON. Karin Zirk’s novel has everything I want in a good read: compelling characters, an exotic setting, a story that keeps me turning pages and writing that bids me linger to savor the language. Set against the Gathering for Peace and Healing Read more…
Michael I. Niman’s Review of Falling From The Moon
Falling from the Moon is more than a tale of a Sapphire, a woman endeavoring on a quest to find her long-lost father while ultimately discovering herself. The true star of this book is the canvas upon which the story is drawn. Author Karin Zirk draws upon decades of participant Read more…
Mary A. Wood Reviews Falling From The Moon
Falling From The Moon is a dreamlike invitation into a counter-culture ritual of peace, love, community and nature that exposes the imperfect humanity of the seekers drawn together in the redwoods while illuminating their yearnings for understanding and forgiveness. Sapphire’s story reminds us that our own stories hold the power Read more…
Falling from the Moon publication count down
My book coming out in two weeks. A very long journey and I am excited and exhausted as are all people who give birth to a novel.