Karin's Activities

Find out what is going on in Karin's World.


Exploring the relevance and functioning of mythology in daily life.

Falling From The Moon

Pounding drums in the high sierras, direct action in California's redwood forests, and a missing father unite at a peace and healing gathering.

Book Me

Book Clubs: read Falling From The Moon and Karin will join your book club discussion via Zoom for free!


Blogger, poet, short story writer, and novelist.


Karin's ramblings on the world.

Environmental Activist

Passionate about the planet and all her creatures.


An occasional email about mythology, writing, and the imaginal life.


Upcoming events

Rainbow Gatherings

I like to go to Rainbow Gatherings and practice peace.

Contact Me

Reach Karin via phone, email, or postal mail.


Karin's thoughts on topics of interest to her and hopefully to you as well!

I never heard the stories

This weaving of family stories is told from different perspectives, different voices, and in different versions. Stories told by aunts and uncles, great aunts and great uncles, cousins, and parents. Stories that the grandchildren listen to with big eyes inhaling the family mythology.

Summer Reading Special

For the months of June and July, you can order a discounted print copy of Falling From The Moon for just $10.00 + shipping.  Order before June 15th and shipping on 5-25 books is only Read more…

Get in Touch

Contact Karin